
p44 1817 Journal Thomas Dean

Taken 1969-12-31 16:00:00-08

July 24th. We went up the river about three miles until we came to McCarter's Ferry. Went on shore to the settle- ment of Shakers, which is called the Buseso Prairie, which is about four miles wide, seven or eight miles long, and la did not understand the width, but it appeared to be ex- tensive. The Shakers have about 1,500 acres of land here and several other lots in other places, some in the State of Illinois, where they expect to build mills on the Umber Creek, which Bows in below Vincennes. We wanted to get some flour and other provisions which we could not get at so good advantage at any other places. The flour could not be ground until near night, and they bid us welcome to stay with them, so we concluded to put up for the day and night. It was now about 3 P. M. There were some of the principal men who came to the boat and went out in the river with us to see how our boat would run; then some of us went up with them, leaving R. Fowler and P. Dick to keep ship. We viewed their plantations more fully, their - A gardens and orchards, which appeared to be well cultivated, . all in proper order. They were getting in their wheat, which was good. I saw some which they assured me did weigh seventy-three and one-half pounds to the bushel, and I spoke for some to bring with me, but did not think of it again when I came on board. We were conducted to a house where we were to lodge, and entertained with a great deal of apparent disinterested friendship. We attended their evening service, where they sang a hymn, then sang and danced two or three times, broke up, and we repaired to our quarters. We were called to another house across the street to sup, where everything appeared to


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