
p54 1817 Journal Thomas Dean

Taken 1969-12-31 16:00:00-08

rain, with hail and thunder, and a violent tempest, so that it was near blowing some of the cabins down. We put up at the house of the principal chief. It was as good as any in the village, and he a plain, majestic looking man, sixty or sixty-five years old. Paul and F. Fowler were directed to another house to lodge, and the rest of us lodged at the chief's. I had the most comfortable place. It was some boards or staves put on benches, and bullrushes laid on them, and a small pillow, though it was wet in the shower. August 8th. We got together in the morning and were served with some boiled corn and venison for breakfast. After breakfast the people began to come in, and we were soon served with another dish of squashes, made sweet with sugar, and some bread, which we partook of. After the chiefs and councilmen and principal men of the nation came in they informed us that they were ready to hear what we had to say. I spoke to them as I have written in the ap- pendix, and the reply of Anderson (Keklawhenund), the principal chief, as it is there noted. There were twenty or thirty Indians who attended the Council, which lasted about four hours. We went to look for the horse that I rode, but did not see it. We mentioned that we wanted some provisions to take on our journey, and we were informed that they would be brought in the morning, so we put up for the night, myself, T. Isaac, and T. Dick at the chief's, P. Dick and R. Fowler at another house.

August 9th. Our provisions soon came in. They were hoecake and Indian bread. We received two or three pairs of moccasons. Thomas Isaac found the horse, and after breakfast we took our leave, went down to the Nanticoke


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