
p50 1817 Journal Thomas Dean

Taken 1969-12-31 16:00:00-08

until it stopped raining, went on through mud and water some miles, and then came another shower. We reached a shelter of bark, made a fire, and stayed until the rain was over. As we went on we met an Indian man, woman, and boy, with two horses, going to the fort with skins, etc. We traveled until near night, made a shelter and nre, and camped for the night. We had a good tire, took a small piece of meat and a piece of bread, and obtained what rest we could to meet the fatigues of another day. August 3d. In the morning we refreshed ourselves with some bread and water and started on our journey, it being the nrst day of the week. We followed our little path, crossed Raccoon Creek and its branches two or three times, and expected soon to come to the Wea village. About 12 o'<:lock we came to three or four bark cabins of the Weas, where our guide lived with his relations. None of them could speak English. They brought us about a quart of boiled corn, which we soon made way with. We tried to I get a horse, but they made signs that we must stay there that night, for we could not get through to the village. I did not feel like traveling much farther on foot that day, and towards night one of the family who could speak some English arrived. He said we could have a horse to go through to the village next day for $2, and some one would go with us. They gave us some blackberries to eat and at night they sweetened some for us, and showed us some barks we could lay on in a cabin by ourselves. We lay on a kind of stage, with barks on, with our own blankets to cover. As near as we could tell we were about sixty miles from the fort.


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